Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Kaizena Launch on Teachercast

I had the privilege of being a part of the launch of the updated 121writing feedback tool (formerly Voice Comments, renamed Kaizena) on Teachercast last night. Sam Patterson, an early supporter of the 121 writing gang, put together a #patue chat on feedback to coincide with the launch of Kaizena.

I've written about using this product before: it allows me to write better - and more - feedback to my students, and in less time. I really dig the update the guys have put together: the comments are highlighted on the Google doc directly - as opposed to being highlighted only as you play the feedback. Additionally, written, verbal, and video feedback can now be left as a comment. Kaizena also associates feedback tags - like 'comma splice' for example - with videos you have used to explain what comma splices are, another time saver.

I've only gotten a little bit of time to mess around with the new update, but I'm psyched about Kaizena and the improvements this product has made! Want to know more? Check out the video Jen Roberts made describing how to use Kaizena here. Our Google hangout - which aired on Teachercast last night - is also embedded below.

Happy feedbacking!

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